04/28/2024Recommendation! I joined the 90.10. community as the IMTZ season 2 was beginning, a formidable introduction to quantum energizing. I found the sofa interesting but as I was very much on the move that week, I could not draw firm conclusions. Later I worked on the crystal and felt the energy expansion sufficiently to make it permanent with the Peace add-on. I find it every time a surprise that when I activate that add-on, I immediately feel a kind of tremor in the upper chest and a luminous calmness to invade me. As to the crystal, brought back from a sacred site in South Africa, I wear it as a pendant - so that when you proposed to entangle a pendant, I photographed another stone, a turquoise brought back from Ladakh, and decided to alternate their use, two days at a time - just to compare their effect. In fact, for me, the crystal had more of a Yang energy than the turquoise, which was more Ying in its presence. When heightening the number of Quepps, little by little up to 72000, it felt too much at the level of my lower articulations (hips, knees, ankles)and I had to reduce back to 450 to have a calmer sleep. Note that over the last eight months I feel intermittent pains, mainly in the right hip, especially in the morning coming out of my bed. I was hoping that 90.10. work would alleviate it. But it did not make much of a difference. However, with the jacket, I did feel a warm layer of protection while wearing it. As to the cell phone, I have been working with BioGeometry for quite a while already and I was not aware of a great change after it was quantum entangled by you. I even wondered if both protocols could contradict each other.. Finally, I do not have pets : so I ´missed’ the dog week. With my many thanks for your generous offers and with my warmest regards, Jousch Andris BARBLAN, 1227 Carouge
04/28/2024Recommendation! Soon after I started trying the pendant I decided to purchase it. Right away, I have sensed a deep sensation.of.cam, peace all over my torso. A deep sensationof.joy followed.. Quantum energy has a strong effect on me. I then have started to increase the énergie of the pendant, very gradually. And I am litterally working with it on certain subjects I am working at in my life. (When I do it on my 9010 plus sofa, which I purchased several weeks ago , the effects increase even more.) The Sofa has already helped a lot with the insomnia problème which I was having for the last 12 years. But now, with the pendant my sleep has come back to what it was when I was 20. Perfect sleep. I couldn t believe this could happen to me. The pendant I chose to quantum entagle is a piece of wood on a long thread. So I realised I could work with it according to the need to the moment, by letting it be in touch with the needed area. When I let it pend, long, till my solar plexus, it worked on this chakra. And I felt a real différence in my self assurance. With practical résultats!. Then, last night for example, I was feeling à tension in my head. So I put the thread around my head with the pendant on my forhead, and I asked.for a releaf Of this tension. My head became then, totally relaxed a few minutes after. Every day I am experiencing new sensations, as the effects add themselves to.the former.ones. Thank you so much. Elisheva Copin
04/26/2024Recommendation! Thank you for your ongoing investment in creating 9010 products. The pendant trial was awesome from the moment the pendant was activated I could feel the energy and the courage to push myself. The sense of peace and positivity grows. I have faced challenges over the trial with my partners reaction but my ability to hold space calmly a hold love and empathy for the situation is remarkable. Thank you
04/26/2024Recommendation! With the entangled pendant, I definitely felt a shift in energy. But it was not a pleasant one. Without any particular reason I felt anger (without a specific target), anxiety and agitation. The entangled pendant is orgonite supposedly mitigating the effects of EMFs...would this have any connection to the polarized feelings it stirred? THANK YOU!
04/25/2024Recommendation! Pri nosení bundy ma prestala boleť hlava. Ingrid
04/24/2024Recommendation! Normalerweise mag ich keine ketten tragen. Aber in diesen 8 Tagen habe ich die Kette sogar nachts getragen und mich einfach nur wohl gefühlt!
04/23/2024Recommendation! A must have for your favorite genius or genius plus, my favorite is the water bottle and the pendant and crystal. The water bottle gives you a sense of peace and tranquility like no other
04/22/2024Recommendation! What impressed me during the test period was my relationship with my son. I raise my child alone. He is 6 years old and I often have to be both the good and the bad parent. In those seven days, our relationship was wonderful, without me having to take on the role of the strict parent. Thank you! My name is Dimitrinka Dimitrova and I am from Varna, Bulgaria.
04/22/2024Recommendation! Hey. Da es ein Problem mit dem upload link gab, habe ich am selben Wochenende den genius+für Smartphone gekauft ...daher kann ich bezüglich der Wirkung bzw. Wahrnehmung nicht viel sagen. Da ich gerade eine Entgiftung mache,erlebe ich körperlich und mental eher nicht so angenehme Gefühle. Ich vermute,der Zeitpunkt war nicht so gut gewählt von mir,um konzentriert mit dem Anhänger in Verbindung zu gehen. Vielen lieben Dank für die Testwoche und alles Liebe.
04/22/2024Recommendation! The jacket energy is great, I actually slept in it to see a difference and I can feel way more energy. I found that the frequency with having a body add on was very amplified. I love it! I would recommend placing on a common jacket just so you don’t have to wash it often or such, I tried a sportswear jacket and felt more energy from when I wake up and especially during the day. Love the protective feeling of the jacket too! Tried this with the phone and body, all three together gave me a lot of extra energy that I need while living in the city, I absolutely love it!